Judy Mangione, Certified Massage Practitioner
Massage Therapy

About the Practitioner


Judy Mangione

Certified Massage Practitioner 

Licensed Massage Therapist

CAMTC License # 13360  


Experience & Certification

Judy has practiced therapeutic massage therapy for 30 years of which 17 of those years are in a chiropractic setting, private practice and for various health clubs.

California Massage Therapy Council State Certification

California Massage Therapy Council's mission is to protect the public by certifying qualified massage professionals in California.

The California Massage Therapy Council (CAMTC) was created by the California Legislature through the enactment of California Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq. 

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals- Professional Member 

Professional members meet specific eligibility requirements based on training.  All members are required to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and strictly adhere to ABMP code of Ethics.


Santa Barbara Body Therapy Institute

Massage Therapist - 1994

Swedish Massage. Introduction to Massage.  Swedish Massage is a light relaxing massage using gentle strokes for those who like a lighter touch.  Chair massage, anatomy & physiology.

 Deep Tissue and Polarity Therapy - 1994

Deep Tissue Massage is the ability to understand the layers of the body, and the ability to work with tissue in these layers to relax, lengthen, and release holding patterns in the most effective and energy efficient way possible.  In deep tissue massage there is less emphasis on pleasure as the primary goal and more emphasis on altering structure and muscle restrictions using slow methodical, intentional strokes softening each layer of tight muscle, melting away the layers like butter.

 British Rainbow Reiki 1 - 1999

Reiki is used for stress reduction and relaxation, and promotes healing.  Reiki is a healing energy drawing from the chakras, aura and meridian system. A Reiki practitioner may place their hands on an area, you will feel the warmth and energy, relax and allow the energy to flow.


Advanced School of Massage


Myofacial Release - 2001

Fascia is the soft tissue of connective tissue, it provides support and protection for the muscles in our bodies.  It can become restricted from overuse, trauma or inactivity, resulting in pain, muscle tension and restricted blood flow.  Direct myofascial release can also be referred to as deep tissue work, it engages in the restrictive barrier until release occurs.  Elbows, knuckles & stretching may be used to elongate the fascia moving slowly through layers until the deep tissues are reached.

Kali Institute of Massage




Imbalances in muscle tissue and it’s function can result from biomechanical misalignment, misuse or overuse of muscles, injury or disease. Over time, these imbalances become habitual and the tissues “set themselves  at plus or minus optimal length and micro adhesions form in the connective tissue to protect the affected area resulting in stiffness, tension and pain. 

Myofascial restrictions ultimately exacerbate the imbalance so that even if neurological messages are corrected, the adhesions or “glue” that has built up can prevent new impulses from taking root.



Releases the restricted tissues of the body and “reprograms” the software of the musculoskeletal system in support of optimal biomechanical alignment, neurological innervation and circulation.

  • Is effective in treating both acute injuries and chronic conditions, including strained muscles, upper/lower back and disc problems, frozen shoulder, joint injuries, fibromyalgia, migraines, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Dramatically increases range of motion; sensory perception and motor control, enhancing performance for athletes, dancers, yogis and anyone interested in using their body more effectively.

 Anatomy & Physiology - 2008

Anatomy & Physiology completed coursework.


Institute of Integrative Oncology Massage, (Greet the Day)

Certificate, Oncology Massage, 24 hrs, 2018.



Ojai Cares, Oncology Resource Center, Ojai, CA, Massage Therapist for cancer patients and their caregivers.  2017-2020.

Hemophilia Foundation of Southern California, Board of Directors, 2010-2016.  Community liaison.

Humane Society of Ojai, 2018  

A Lotte Opportunity Foundation, 2019-2022.

National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, 2022-2023



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
805 415-7502 107 Figueroa Street, Ventura,   CA   93001

© Copyright 2025  Judy Mangione, Certified Massage Practitioner.  All rights reserved.